Equipment Options: Buy Cable Modem Lease,(Rent to Own) Already have a Cable Modem Purchase the following device: $100 : Cable Modem ONLY,(User must supply their own Router!) $200 : Modem/Router/Wireless Unit Lease-to-Own the following device: $10/mth for 12 mths : Cable Modem ONLY,(User must supply their own Router!) $20/mth for 12 mths : Modem/Router/Wireless Unit Your Modem’s Make/Model: ~~~~~~~~~select~~~~~~~~~ARRIS TG2472GCoship CCM8200DCM476DPC3000DPC3008DPC3825DPC3848VMHitron CDA-RESHitron CDA3Hitron CGNMotorola SB6141SmartRG SR804nTechnicolor TC4300Technicolor TC4350TP-Link TC7610 Modem Serial Number: Modem Mac Address: